The European Commission's "Action Plan on Integration and Inclusion 2021-2027" notes that, despite recent efforts and some improvements, there are still challenges in terms of employment and education as well as social inclusion of migrants, which means that additional measures are needed.
Unemployment in the EU is also almost 10% higher among migrants compared to the native population. While less than 20% of native workers are low-skilled, this figure almost doubles (38.5%) in the case of immigrants. Research shows that immigrants are at much higher risk of poverty and social exclusion.
The EU's work on integration and inclusion is based on a set of common principles and values that should also guide Member States when designing, implementing or reviewing their policies. This applies to the full range of EU integration policies as set out in the European Pillar of Social Rights.

From early childhood education and care (ECEC) to higher and adult education and non-formal education, education and training is the basis for successful participation in society and one of the most effective tools for building more inclusive societies. Lifelong learning and active ageing are therefore important pillars in the process of inclusion of immigrant adults.
Nevertheless, according to Eurostat, in the period 2016-2020, "persons who are foreign-born or foreign nationals are generally at greater risk of leaving the education system without having attained more than lower secondary education". Moreover, it is very difficult for these individuals to re-enter the education system in adulthood. Despite the numerous lifelong learning offers, many of these courses are tailored to the needs of workers with higher levels of education.
The 'Matthew effect' is clearly evident here: The educated receive more education and consequently better job opportunities, and the less educated are excluded.
In the 3L Mindset project, we want to reverse this trend and change the attitudes of low-skilled immigrants when it comes to lifelong learning but also train educators to adapt their teaching methods to the (emotional) needs of these students.
We also want to train trainers to adapt their teaching methods to the (emotional) needs of these students, as well as training institutions to adapt their course profiles.